Our Impact
Every year, we deliver over 1,000 hours of counselling, and support hundreds of young people.
Here are just a few of the things young people have said about our how our support has helped them:
Case Study (Steve, 16)
Steve was a victim of a turbulent and volatile home life; he ran away from the family home aged 16. His father was an alcoholic and his mother’s mental health was deteriorating. A drug user, he regularly got into trouble with the Police. After sofa surfing for several months, Steve found himself homeless.
He was housed temporarily in an unsuitable B & B, where he became vulnerable to drug dealers. At his lowest ebb, Steve called into YES and spoke to one of our volunteers. She was able to put a package of care around Steve, involving other professionals and agencies.
Over the next few weeks, Steve was placed in high support accommodation, was able to claim the benefits he was entitled to and reduce his debts, accessed sexual health advice and treatment, began counselling sessions, accessed support from a local drug agency, was allocated an advocate who worked with him on the issue of exploitation and healthy relationships. Finally, he signed up to a range of free, educational and vocational courses.
Steve reports significant improvements in his social health and wellbeing. He feels more confident, less stressed and depressed which is leading to improved relationships and generally enjoying life more.
Through the holistic, multi-pronged approach that YES provides for young people, Steve:
- is no longer involved in prostitution
- is working on his drug use and has stopped offending
- is making a wider circle of non-drug using friends
- is in an improved physical, emotional and mental condition
- feels optimistic about his future and completing his courses
- is managing money more successfully, and avoiding running up rent arrears
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